Autism and Acne

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say thanks for anyone who has been involved in my discussions so far, I really appreciate this forum and its helping a lot so wanted to say thanks. I am pretty new still but its definitely been nice to read the replies and hear from others who understand. 

Sorry to make another discussion but I thought it may be of interest to some of you. I hope it's ok to post this. 

I wanted to ask if many of you who have Autism also experience bad acne? 

I personally do and its due to the need to touch my face a lot as a comfort and also scratching when I am stressed out, which has caused me acne. It has improved recently as I have adopted a good skincare routine and making sure I keep to it every morning and every night (shea butter soap bar to wash, toner, serum, moisturiser and face sunscreen) (not sunscreen at night of course).

I was curious to hear from others if you experience a similar thing and what might help acne. Mine has improved a lot but still sometimes bad I wondered if anyone knows what else might help. I also use moisturising facemasks sometimes when its super bad which seems to help. I understand everyone has different skin type (dry/oily/combined) so what may work for one person, may not work for another, but it's good to try new things as it may work and help. 



  • Hi 

    I suffered when I was younger but it did persist for a very long time. I suffer from OCD so I developed a habit of over washing my face which became an obsession. I believe this made my problem worse as when you dry the skin out it produces more sebum = more acne. It affected my self confidence in a massive way and ended up using a therapist to try and get over it. I also think it affected me badly because I have always tried to blend in with others, this made me stand out which destroyed me really. On a positive note it has made me look after my skin and they say if you suffer from acne when your younger your skin ages better. 
    I use retinol, a dermaroller and good quality moisturiser. Medik8 is a good brand. Also loads of water really makes a difference. 

    Hope it stays settled for you and feel free to message back if you need any more advice 

    Good luck 

  • Thank you for your message and thank you for the helpful tips! I have heard retinol can be good so I might give it a go and I definitely think ensuring you drink enough water and keep hydrated will help, will try to do that :) 

  • Thank you for your message and thank you for the helpful tips! I have heard retinol can be good so I might give it a go and I definitely think ensuring you drink enough water and keep hydrated will help, will try to do that :) 

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