First Job Interview

Hi. I’m new to this community but I was diagnosed with autism when I was still a child. It’s been a rough life so far, I’ve experienced what most do, loss, pain and mental struggles but somehow (no idea how) – I’ve gotten through everything that was thrown at me. At times it was dark, I couldn’t see a way forward and yet somehow I got through those terrible days. Finding strength from inside myself when I didn’t think it was possible.

Because I feel better I have been looking at working. I never finished school (too much noise and anxiety, result was a breakdown) and with no grades and qualifications or previous experience in the workplace I didn’t set my hopes too high in being successful in any work I applied for. Still I persevered because I want to make something of my life rather than sit at home all day every day being called lazy and pathetic.

I applied at morrisons last month and about a week later I got an email saying I was unsuccessful – sad but not unexpected. I’ve been rejected by so many people I’ve come to expect it now. It’s the norm. But I still looked and hoped something would turn up and then on Wednesday morning I had an email from mossisons saying I had passed their online questionnaire and they would look at my CV – my CV is bad, very little on it because I could only really say about myself, my skills and interests (no qualifications to add). It read bad and I was sure they would take a brief look and think it’s no good.

And then I had a phone call on Wednesday afternoon (an unknown number) I let it ring because talking on the phone with people I’m unfamiliar with makes me anxious. The call was from morrisons, the woman left a voice mail and said that she was looking at my CV and would be interested in talking to me about it so we could arrange an interview… So now I’ve got an interview on Monday morning. I’m so proud of myself for achieving this, despite having so much doubt and so much negativity from those around me.

I am anxious though. I’ve never been to an interview before and I worry going means I will screw it up. My family have said this to me, they don’t think I’ll be successful which hurts but I fear they are summarising correctly. But my brothers all worked for morrisons at one point and the pay was pretty good and the work benefits were always good. It could secure my future, offering independent living: something I do not have currently.

So really I am here to seek advice on how to get through this interview – and (most importantly) not screw it up! Any and all advice is welcome!

  • Dear Poppet, Hugest best wishes for your interview.

    I am awful at interviews, but have managed to get by due to practicing the questions I expect to come up before hand. I find that I can't rely on being spontaneous on the day, because I freeze and can't think of anything to say. Those questions which come up that I haven't prepared for are just awful. I also find that by the end of the interview, I am absolutely knackered with talking and don't come out with such good answers.

    I got out a book from the library on answering interview questions and also googled youtube videos of what to say in the specific job types in the interview.

    I will write out my answers to the questions to try and get something in my brain to say. For me, I just need something, anything to say, that makes me sound like at least I can talk to others.

    The common questions I looked at answers for:

    Tell us about yourself

    What are you strengths

    What are your weaknesses - I usually use, a lack on experience in the new role. 

    Why do you want this role

    What do you bring to this role

    At my last interview I also got:

    Having met us, what are your thoughts? (this totally threw me)

    But basically, what I do is play a role in what I am saying. Saying all the things that I think that they are wanting to hear. For me, it's about playing the game. 

    Using key phrases like reliability, safe, enthusiastic, motivated. I don't pretend to be some things I'm not - just omit these things. Like don't say the long list of weaknesses I think I have.

    All the best and I hope you get the job. 

  • Dear Poppet, Hugest best wishes for your interview.

    I am awful at interviews, but have managed to get by due to practicing the questions I expect to come up before hand. I find that I can't rely on being spontaneous on the day, because I freeze and can't think of anything to say. Those questions which come up that I haven't prepared for are just awful. I also find that by the end of the interview, I am absolutely knackered with talking and don't come out with such good answers.

    I got out a book from the library on answering interview questions and also googled youtube videos of what to say in the specific job types in the interview.

    I will write out my answers to the questions to try and get something in my brain to say. For me, I just need something, anything to say, that makes me sound like at least I can talk to others.

    The common questions I looked at answers for:

    Tell us about yourself

    What are you strengths

    What are your weaknesses - I usually use, a lack on experience in the new role. 

    Why do you want this role

    What do you bring to this role

    At my last interview I also got:

    Having met us, what are your thoughts? (this totally threw me)

    But basically, what I do is play a role in what I am saying. Saying all the things that I think that they are wanting to hear. For me, it's about playing the game. 

    Using key phrases like reliability, safe, enthusiastic, motivated. I don't pretend to be some things I'm not - just omit these things. Like don't say the long list of weaknesses I think I have.

    All the best and I hope you get the job. 

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