Shared work load

Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships? It seems that we do the childcare, the housework, the emotional work of keeping everyone happy-ish, be the appointments and social secretary's, the shoppers and cooks and have full time jobs? It's not just me that thinks this, many studies show the same thing. I've met so many women who feel that they don't have a partner, but an extra child, this often lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Its starting to make me think that all hetrosexual relationships are inherently abusive, I can't speak for same sex ones as I've never had one.

I know I'm going to get flak for this post, but I'm going for it anyway. I'd love to hear from people who have successfull relationships and what they're secrets are, not that I want another relationship, I'm just curious.

  • Hi there I’m male and have come out of work since January (highest earner) to care for my family, do the chores shopping appointments etc as I we decided this would be best for our family. My wife has always done most of the caring and sorting the house so it was decided it was my turn. I don’t envy the women that have to do everything as well as work. My full time job now is being the best dad/husband I can be. In my time off I also had a diagnosis for autism which explains why I am the way I am as my new obsession is my family

  • Hi there I’m male and have come out of work since January (highest earner) to care for my family, do the chores shopping appointments etc as I we decided this would be best for our family. My wife has always done most of the caring and sorting the house so it was decided it was my turn. I don’t envy the women that have to do everything as well as work. My full time job now is being the best dad/husband I can be. In my time off I also had a diagnosis for autism which explains why I am the way I am as my new obsession is my family

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