I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice

Hi everyone 

Through out my life because of my autism I have always had an internal voice like a narrator in my head of my own voice.  I find it really difficult to switch off as it constantly scripting future conversations with people.  I have try doing mindful activities to make it stop and it make hard to sleep at night.  I was wondering if anyone had advice on it?  

  • I thought most people had an internal inner voice, not just autistic people.

    I can “talk” inside my head but it’s a bit more complicated than that - my thoughts aren’t verbal, they’re silent and atomic, non-linear, and there are lots of them overlapping all the time.

    Converting a given thought to linear language is what makes talking so tiring for me and why i prefer written communication - I get more time to do the conversion.

  • Self talk, everyone has an inner narrator/critic/etc. You're not mad, you don't have some hard core mental illness, you're just normal, if your self talk starts to become destructive, asks you to build it an ark or murder prostitutes or the like then worry.

    When very stoned at uni, I had an inner David Attenborough explaining the exploits of me and my group of friends, like one of his nature documentaries, but for an alien audience! It was quite fun.

  • normal, if your self talk starts to become destructive, asks you to build it an ark or murder prostitutes or the like then worry.

    My inner voice is more likely to tell me to eat crisps 

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