A song that embodies autism?...


This song and video might actually just relate most of what autism is.

First, look at David Byrne's movements (dyspraxia, stimming ?)

Then listen to the words:

 "How did I get here?" ( A feeling of not being in control?)

 "How do I work this?" ( Problems with social interaction ? )

 "Where is that large automobile?" ( A feeling of under-achievement? )

 "This is not my beautiful wife" ( Imposter syndrome? )

 "Am I right, am I wrong?" ( confusion due to miscommunication? )

Lots of repetition of "same as it ever was" ( obsession with routines? )

Lots of reference to water - flowing underground, at the bottom of the ocean, under the rocks and stones, water dissolving ( Sensory pleasure from water? Special interest in geology? )

  • I like it. I'm a big fan of David Byrne. I particularly like Road to Nowhere. I'm a big fan of the surreal and Byrne channels that well.

    There are probably quite a lot of songs that embody autism though. I've always thought Bowie's Space Oddity was a bit of an autistic anthem, with its themes of alienation from the rest of humanity and inability to communicate or do anything about it.

  • I like it. I'm a big fan of David Byrne. I particularly like Road to Nowhere. I'm a big fan of the surreal and Byrne channels that well.

    There are probably quite a lot of songs that embody autism though. I've always thought Bowie's Space Oddity was a bit of an autistic anthem, with its themes of alienation from the rest of humanity and inability to communicate or do anything about it.
