Does anyone like pulling pranks?

Hi here a fun discussion does anybody here like pulling pranks on friends? If so feel free to share I’m looking for ideas. Today I was with my friend Rikki and he always scares me by jumping out of somewhere random and saying boo or splashing me with water it’s all in good fun lol. Today I got my revenge I bought a can of silly string and the 2 of us were sitting under the tree throwing grass at one another then at the right moment I pulled out the can and sprayed it all over him then he snatched the can and sprayed me it turned into silly string wars lol. If you guys have ever pranked a friend or have started a play fight feel free to share. 

  • Pranks are only funny sometimes, and I never managed to get good at or enjoy playing them or enjoying them.

    But as a detached viewer, I've been amused by this one for many years...

    I also played a "prank" on a guy in the army which I enjoy remembering...

    He was not a friend, he used to steal my drink and drink it in front of me when he was drunk, so one day it had 18 ex-lax very finely ground up in it...  He did not make morning parade, nor did we see much of him the following day...

    And the best prank I remember ever being a victim of was when I was working in I.T. support about 25 years ago, and we had an iranian contractor who was a bit paranid (or stupid, I could not really tell).

    Well this guy used to ask ne of us for an explanation then he'd interrogate you about the answer as if he needed to be sure you were not lying to him.. So I one day make a recording of a copy of a conversation 'Ive just had wth him about networks and what colour cable goes into which network, and I circulate it to my frends chielfy because I am well proud of the copy of his voice and questioning style that I have achieved...

    It circulates around the I.T. department until it hit's the new network securiity guy.... 

    The iranian guy is at my desk engaging me in conversation and teh security guy from across teh room is hacking my wrksation. He manages to change my email sound to my Mp3 imitating this bloke who is standing next to me, remotely turns up my speakers to MAX power and when he judges the moment right, sends me an email... 

    My conversation with the iranian guy was interrupted by the sound of me doing a really quite god impression of him... I do my very best to just keep going, and pretnd it isn't happening, unitl my poor guy looks at me, looks at the spekaers and stutters, "BUT, but,... THAT IS ME!!"

    Laugh? I nearly wet myself... 

  • Both made me roll with laughter- your IT prank and the video with the hair dryer. I’m happy that it wasn’t me being victim with the hair dryer 

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