Fun discussion about manhood

Hi fellow men. PS (ladies you can chime in if you wish to add anything too) open to all.

I wanted to get a bit of understanding from the men out there. What do you think about being a man with autism? Is it hard? What support do you get? What do you struggle with? For example aggression, anger management, exclusion, social isolation etc. 

What do you wish people understood more about being a man? What is being a man to you? What values create a man?

I personally have certain values I will list here:

- treat women with respect and kindness. I believe women deserve to be treated with respect. I always hold doors open for women and let women go first on the bus etc. Just common decency to me but just little things that make me me.

- doing what I believe to be right. I try and follow my heart and do what I know or feel is the right thing to do in the moment. 

- patience. Being patient and taking my time with things. Not rushing into the first thing that comes my way but rather instead taking my time and letting things take they’re natural order.

- no tolerance for drugs. Having the inner strength to say no to drugs and being willing to set those boundaries with those I meet through my everyday travels.

- self control. Having the ability to control my self and not act on the first impulse that I feel. Having the self control to stop myself from making daft decisions (ties into next point below).

- maturity. Having wisdom in years and experience to set an example to younger folks of how to treat others and be in the world.

So yeh this was just some ideas, just a fun topic nothing serious. Feel free to share your own values and experiences of being a man.

  • Being a man to me means that in the genetic lottery of life, I won the covetted Y chromosome.

    This magic collection of proteins confers many advanatges over those who lack such an advantage, a few of which (for your education and amusement) I shall list here:

    1. No periods!!

    2. Can pee covertly whilst standing up. 

    3. Can reverse park a car.

    4. I have physical advantages when it comes to physical combat, and other high energy human situations.

    5. This chromosome also seems to be the main carrier of logic, reason, and proportion!

    6. This chromosome often seemingly increases the owners abilty to thrive in chaos and filth, which significantly reduces the amount of housework, cosmetics and shopping that I need to expend time on even when liivng alone, allowing more time for imporatnt man things and projects.

    7. This chromosome makes me better at saying "NO you don't need feeding YET" to this cat, wheres my partner who lacks the chromosome is totally helpless in such situations.

    8. The chromosome seems to inhibit me from focussing on my weakness and allows me a certain amount of blessed ignorance and belief in my own superiority to all challeneges, and it works despite lifes best efforts to prove me wrong!  

    9. The chromosome gives me the abilty to solder, weld, do a reasonable mortise and tenon joint, and on a good day, line up an if strip wthout test gear. 

    10. The chromosome allows me to carry on perfroming a task flawlessly and calmly whilst under a barrage of criticism by a woman, drill instructor, fellow engineer etc, whereas lack of the Y chromosome, means that a person can be stopped dead in their tracks from performing any useful activity for up to a full 24 hour period with a single well (or poorly, or accidentally) chosen word..

    As always with my observations on life, "Your Mielage May Vary" 

  • 7. This chromosome makes me better at saying "NO you don't need feeding YET" to this cat, wheres my partner who lacks the chromosome is totally helpless in such situations.

    Not all owners of the Y chromosome have this strength. When my daughter throws a tantrum because she wants something that is forbidden, my husband is helpless. But I just don’t care. NO is no and that’s it. Reasoning with 2,5 y/o throwing tantrum is I think impossible so it’s just “no”. Without any emotions.

  • 7. This chromosome makes me better at saying "NO you don't need feeding YET" to this cat, wheres my partner who lacks the chromosome is totally helpless in such situations.

    Not all owners of the Y chromosome have this strength. When my daughter throws a tantrum because she wants something that is forbidden, my husband is helpless. But I just don’t care. NO is no and that’s it. Reasoning with 2,5 y/o throwing tantrum is I think impossible so it’s just “no”. Without any emotions.

  • And regarding cats, I am quite strict about feeding my cat, and I also know at least two couples where the wife was strict and the husband would give in to the cat and feed it too much, so my statistical experience is opposite to I Sperg's.

  • Ah, the "terrible two's"

    I fondly remember mine trying to jump high enough to dislodge my ear defenders, unsuccessfully...

    And being "evil daddy" I used to say No cheerfully, and with good humour.. 

    Line Item 8 of course, allows me to arbitrarily determine that your husband is a statistical anomaly! "The exception that proves my rule" as it were.

    LIne Item 11 of course, should be; Chromosome confers the special abilty to "mansplain".