Do you work, study, etc?

Hi. I’m curious how many of us with autism work or study. I was terrible at school, couldn’t cope at all and was eventually taught at home. I’ve been attempting to integrate in the workplace for the last two years, I currently volunteer every now and then, there is the potential of paid work with this business in the end but it all relies on whether I can stabalise going in to volunteer/work. Generally I go in for a day or two and then I am hit by a wave of fatigue. I suppose it’s a result of anxiety, bordering on the line of burnout because it’s the worst fatigue I’ve ever had. I become so tired I feel dizzy and can hardly stand and then I need to rest and I literally can’t function for days after…

Rest and bed is required but whilst I’m like this I’m unable to properly work and it’s really frustrating, especially as the people I volunteer with have confirmed I could have a work position with them in the end. I tried seeking professional help but that was a dead end route.

Currently I just volunteer every now and then. I would love to do more but I physically and mentally cannot sustain this.

I do a lot at home, mostly hobby projects like writing and working on classic cars but because of this I am unemployed and somewhat reliant on my parents. They support me and help me with my daily struggles but they are older now, and not in the best of health, so it does concern me as to what will happen to me if anything were to happen to them.
Though I try not to think about that too much.

I am curious how many here work or volunteer and study? I’ve tried but I can’t seem to nail it.

  • I've done tons of jobs, most of which weren't for very long (but a couple of which were for a decade each), and all of which I've found stressful.

    From a list that includes part-time and temporary work, here are some:


    Shop assistant

    Chamber maid

    Telesales person

    Clerical assistant


    Legal secretary

    Legal assistant/paralegal

    Admin assistant

    Medical secretary


    Personal assistant

    I've worked in interesting places including the civil service, law courts, various solicitors, various hospitals + GP practises, a newspaper and the Catholic Church.

    I no longer work, luckily, as I was able to 'retire' early.

  • Hats off to youfor enduring + surviving the work you have experienced. You must be incredibly strong to do all that. I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't be as strong.

    Thanks for replying. 

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