Please could you give me your opinion on this.

I have waited over 4 years for an NHS Autism diagnosis.
I was emailed 9 documents to fill out and email back.
6 were PDF image files and 3 were Word documents.
I was upset by the fact that the PDFs were not in a format that could be easily filled out.
They were poor quality scans, quite grainy so I could not do OCR.
It made me loose confidence in the competence of the Assessor and doubt that she understood Autism.
I am wondering if I am being oversensitive.
They previously sent me other forms in the post to fill out and return with a SAE.
If I had to email people out these forms I would have created them as Word document with boxes that could be easily filled out.
I have managed to find out how to add Xs to the boxes.

  • I would of asked them to send me the documents in a different format as I wouldn't be able to give them the information they wanted. Just to send important stuff like that out in one format that not everybody finds usuable especially grainy photocopies or scans is unacceptable and I would say so.

  • I would of asked them to send me the documents in a different format as I wouldn't be able to give them the information they wanted. Just to send important stuff like that out in one format that not everybody finds usuable especially grainy photocopies or scans is unacceptable and I would say so.

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