National Service

I see this old chestnut has come to the fore again. I can see problems with it.

Does the military want all these people for a year or so and what will they do with them?

If people are made to volunteer for things like life boats, special constables and library assistants, will it mean that the training for such things will outlast the service time?

Will real jobs be at risk because people are volunteering?

If theres no sanctions how will they make people do it?

Will it mean that those currently on benefits will be sanctioned for not "doing their bit"?

Will this idea have mission creep? If not enough people volunteer, will some kind of sanction be imposed?

It all sounds desperate to me, like a political party flailing about to find vote winning policies that are ill thought out.

It won't come in until 2029 anyway, just in time for another election, hmmm?

  • The Tories already had problems with their almost zero appeal to younger voters. They have obviously given up any hope in reversing this situation and are scrabbling to wrest the Little Englander, geriatric vote from the hands of [ insert current name of fascist-light party - UKIP, Brexit, Falange, Reform - whatever ]. I didn't think the Tory Party could drop any lower in my estimation, and yet they managed it. Hopefully, they have made themselves unelectable for a generation - we need a PR electoral system.

  • its definately a attempt to get the older vote as every old person i ever met always says "they should bring back national service" lol my parents said that too.

  • Old person here. I think the idea is an absolute travesty.

  • i dunno, i think when chav culture was at its peak i think we all likely thought national service would whip the unruly troublesome kids into shape and discipline them lol

    which was the basis of the tv programme "bad lads army"

  • i dunno, i think when chav culture was at its peak i think we all likely thought national service would whip the unruly troublesome kids into shape and discipline them lol

    which was the basis of the tv programme "bad lads army"

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