To be diagnosed or not diagnosed

Hi, I am undiagnosed but score nearly autistic on a couple of tests and have significant scores in all areas of the masking questionnaire. My primary problem is struggling with social interactions and cues. It has quiet a significant impact on my life. In fact I had basically a melt down at the end of some intensive online training this week. I'm pretty sure the trainer thinks I'm crazy. A diagnosis would help that. But I am worried about the stigma I may encounter from health professionals and really other people in general if I go for a diagnosis. Other women who got diagnosed as adults did you notice a change in how people and health professionals interacted with you afterwards?

(I mention health professionals as currently everything I go to the Dr about is the menopause I don't want to give them another 'easy to fob off' ready diagnosis)

  • I think it’s impossible to predict how an adult autism diagnosis will be viewed in various situations. There’s a lot more understanding of autism now, but also a lot of ignorance still too. Personally I’m glad I got the diagnosis (recently - and I’m in my fifties). In terms of healthcare specifically I think it’s especially important as it might be helpful for those involved in any care or treatment you have to have an understanding of your needs and possibly make adjustments for you. In non healthcare settings you don’t need to disclose your diagnosis if you don’t feel comfortable to do that or have concerns for any reason. Overall I think getting a diagnosis is a good thing. 

  • I think it’s impossible to predict how an adult autism diagnosis will be viewed in various situations. There’s a lot more understanding of autism now, but also a lot of ignorance still too. Personally I’m glad I got the diagnosis (recently - and I’m in my fifties). In terms of healthcare specifically I think it’s especially important as it might be helpful for those involved in any care or treatment you have to have an understanding of your needs and possibly make adjustments for you. In non healthcare settings you don’t need to disclose your diagnosis if you don’t feel comfortable to do that or have concerns for any reason. Overall I think getting a diagnosis is a good thing. 

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