
Been signed off work due to stress, possible burnout, long term masking in a busy, noisy customer facing environment.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried any natural remedies for anxiety, I realise that what works for one doesn't work for all, just wanted some suggestions.

Thank you.

  • I like to use Lavender Essential oil on me at night on my pulse points. I also have an electric aromatherapy oil burner a Tisserand one. I also use something on my pillow called Sleep Better by Tisserand and that is a mist spray. I think both of these are quite helpful for me and help me to rest. I have used the burner in the day time as well to try and make my mind restful. I also have a Blue stars light by Bliss Lights which projects to my ceiling which I got a couple of years ago now at least. I don't use that all the time, but have found it quite soothing at times at night.

  • I like to use Lavender Essential oil on me at night on my pulse points. I also have an electric aromatherapy oil burner a Tisserand one. I also use something on my pillow called Sleep Better by Tisserand and that is a mist spray. I think both of these are quite helpful for me and help me to rest. I have used the burner in the day time as well to try and make my mind restful. I also have a Blue stars light by Bliss Lights which projects to my ceiling which I got a couple of years ago now at least. I don't use that all the time, but have found it quite soothing at times at night.

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