Question about social skills and social-emotional reciprocity

I started to understand social cues, but I lack social-emotional reciprocity to a mild degree.

Are there any tips to improve my social-emotional reciprocity?

Is social-emotional reciprocity a social skill as well?

  • I wouldn’t say it’s a social skill. It’s more intuitive I think, you either naturally have it or you don’t. Autistic people struggle with all forms of social engagement. Autistic people tend to have low motivation to engage in social interactions and often find more interest in inanimate objects than other humans. There have been many studies done and autistic people always tend to show little interest in other humans. And also have lower motivation for social incentives. Interestingly there is a condition which is like the polar opposite of autism called ‘Williams syndrome’. People with Williams syndrome are highly extroverted and social. They tend to be very friendly and go up to random people and talk to them. Scientists like to call it the polar opposite of autism. They also have enhanced empathetic abilities and enhanced abilities to understand others and so on. I am quite unique having said that as I am very sociable and enjoy meeting others.

  • It looks very similar to Schizotypal Personality Disorder, not that it is the same thing.

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