C.M.H.T lack of care and concern.

After many Years of being treated like a waste of time, inaccurate reports and broken promises i finally flipped.
To them we are known as ' Service users '  ( How nice ).
We are nothing but a ' Job ' to them
Do they listen ? Do they care ? NO ! 
They all close ranks and cover each other's backs.
Am now in the process of contacting the General Medical Council to report a Doctor about  mis/ over prescribing a dangerous drug knowing fully well that i have a drink problem.
All they do is close ranks and protect ' their own 
Have been with them 9 Years and for the last 5 Months they have done nothing but make me worse with false hope, broken appointments,fobbing off etc etc.
I truly hope YOUR C.M.H.T  works for You.

  • Today i flipped and drove there and threw my medication right in their face at reception.

    Was it reception who prescribed you the drugs and failed to diagnose you in a way you were satisfied with?

    If not you owe the receptionist an apology and need to take the issue up with the professionals involved.

    Abusing front of house staff for the failings of those behind the scenes is never acceptable.

    Good luck with your complaint though - poor quality treatment from the professionals is life changing so should not be tolerated..

  • Today i flipped and drove there and threw my medication right in their face at reception.

    Was it reception who prescribed you the drugs and failed to diagnose you in a way you were satisfied with?

    If not you owe the receptionist an apology and need to take the issue up with the professionals involved.

    Abusing front of house staff for the failings of those behind the scenes is never acceptable.

    Good luck with your complaint though - poor quality treatment from the professionals is life changing so should not be tolerated..
