Social model of ASD

Monday I had an argument with the online ASD community I attend. As an older Aspie, I can say that ASD has completely ruined my life. I cannot count the many opportunities that I missed due to ASD.

That ASD community insists that ASD is a wonderful superpower, and if anyone has a problem is because society is not accepting it. They even disagreed with the acronym ASD since "autism is not a disorder", and insisted that ASD should not be treated since it's not an illness or a disability.

It's just me, or this point of view is becoming more and more common? Why so many people are starting to subscribe to that "social model" of ASD?

  • A lot of it seems like the assimilation of autism into the existing structure, as the work done on autism in recent decades has been neurological in nature, and the society structure depends on psychology.

    If you gaslight the community into accepting that it’s not necessary to consider the cause of behaviour/development/distress as it relates to daily-living and mobility, then they will be able to deal with the liability of autism in the least costly and divergent way, a possible is removing the insistence that autism is a disability and that there is a risk of harm beyond the normal consideration.

    If you enable an ableist mindset from within the autistic community, then it will dismantle itself from the inside, it’s much easier to do as the pioneering close-carers (now gatekeepers) of the 90s are getting older and autism is receiving more-exposure. This is a war of rhetoric, it requires a social-emotive prowess to win, but the enemy doesn’t have an socio-emotive impairment.

  • A lot of it seems like the assimilation of autism into the existing structure, as the work done on autism in recent decades has been neurological in nature, and the society structure depends on psychology.

    If you gaslight the community into accepting that it’s not necessary to consider the cause of behaviour/development/distress as it relates to daily-living and mobility, then they will be able to deal with the liability of autism in the least costly and divergent way, a possible is removing the insistence that autism is a disability and that there is a risk of harm beyond the normal consideration.

    If you enable an ableist mindset from within the autistic community, then it will dismantle itself from the inside, it’s much easier to do as the pioneering close-carers (now gatekeepers) of the 90s are getting older and autism is receiving more-exposure. This is a war of rhetoric, it requires a social-emotive prowess to win, but the enemy doesn’t have an socio-emotive impairment.

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