Social model of ASD

Monday I had an argument with the online ASD community I attend. As an older Aspie, I can say that ASD has completely ruined my life. I cannot count the many opportunities that I missed due to ASD.

That ASD community insists that ASD is a wonderful superpower, and if anyone has a problem is because society is not accepting it. They even disagreed with the acronym ASD since "autism is not a disorder", and insisted that ASD should not be treated since it's not an illness or a disability.

It's just me, or this point of view is becoming more and more common? Why so many people are starting to subscribe to that "social model" of ASD?

  • I really hate the idea of autism as some kind of superpower, it's not like I can defy gravity or walk on water. I have a very good memory, I trained my memory, it's not a super power it's hard work and learning techniques that teach you how to increase memory. I'm a good cook, some would say an excellent cook, but so are all the contesants on Masterchef and Bake Off, it's not rocket science. I feel its patronising to say autism is a superpower, and I wonder who decided it was?

    Being an older person who wasn't diagnosed until later in life, the amount of recognition there is around now is still surprising to me. But, I sometimes wonder at the quality of the services provided to autstic people, because the ones I've encountered are pretty poor, so poor that I think they're a waste of public money. It's like a group of ultra NT's have had a brain storming session and decided what autism is and what needs to be DONE about helping people with it, whilst totally missing the point that we're not all the same, it feels like a box ticking exerise rather than one aimed at meeting the needs of the community they're supposed to be serving.

    I wouldn't say that Autism has impeded everything in my life, there are many things that have done that and generally I'm in a good place. But then I'm good at standing up for myself and challenge people who try to put me down or patronise me for all sorts of reasons, my response to trades people asking if they can speak to my husband is 'can I speak to your wife?' I think you can be autistic and problems that are nothing to do with autism or societies acceptance of it, if you have problems going out or going to a certain place because you were violently mugged there, that's nothing to do with autism or societies acceptance of it, it's to do with people being criminal and others being criminally stupid.

  • I really hate the idea of autism as some kind of superpower, it's not like I can defy gravity or walk on water. I have a very good memory, I trained my memory, it's not a super power it's hard work and learning techniques that teach you how to increase memory. I'm a good cook, some would say an excellent cook, but so are all the contesants on Masterchef and Bake Off, it's not rocket science. I feel its patronising to say autism is a superpower, and I wonder who decided it was?

    Being an older person who wasn't diagnosed until later in life, the amount of recognition there is around now is still surprising to me. But, I sometimes wonder at the quality of the services provided to autstic people, because the ones I've encountered are pretty poor, so poor that I think they're a waste of public money. It's like a group of ultra NT's have had a brain storming session and decided what autism is and what needs to be DONE about helping people with it, whilst totally missing the point that we're not all the same, it feels like a box ticking exerise rather than one aimed at meeting the needs of the community they're supposed to be serving.

    I wouldn't say that Autism has impeded everything in my life, there are many things that have done that and generally I'm in a good place. But then I'm good at standing up for myself and challenge people who try to put me down or patronise me for all sorts of reasons, my response to trades people asking if they can speak to my husband is 'can I speak to your wife?' I think you can be autistic and problems that are nothing to do with autism or societies acceptance of it, if you have problems going out or going to a certain place because you were violently mugged there, that's nothing to do with autism or societies acceptance of it, it's to do with people being criminal and others being criminally stupid.

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