Social model of ASD

Monday I had an argument with the online ASD community I attend. As an older Aspie, I can say that ASD has completely ruined my life. I cannot count the many opportunities that I missed due to ASD.

That ASD community insists that ASD is a wonderful superpower, and if anyone has a problem is because society is not accepting it. They even disagreed with the acronym ASD since "autism is not a disorder", and insisted that ASD should not be treated since it's not an illness or a disability.

It's just me, or this point of view is becoming more and more common? Why so many people are starting to subscribe to that "social model" of ASD?

  • I honestly believe people with that viewpoint are either incredibly mildly affected by autism or are in denial about their situation - unable to accept they there is something imperfect about themselves.

    So many aspects of autism have nothing to do with how other people treat us and everything to do with how our nervous systems are wired.

  • I've often thought about the idea of being completely outside society and if I'd be 100 percent ok without it (ie, is society the issue)

    I think it's fair to say a lot of my problems would go away. But not all, there's all the sensitivity issues and everything else. 

    The key for me is that a lot of the time I want solitude and other times I want to be part of it, I just wish it was easier, a lot easier!

  • I've often thought about the idea of being completely outside society and if I'd be 100 percent ok without it (ie, is society the issue)

    I think it's fair to say a lot of my problems would go away. But not all, there's all the sensitivity issues and everything else. 

    The key for me is that a lot of the time I want solitude and other times I want to be part of it, I just wish it was easier, a lot easier!

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