Social model of ASD

Monday I had an argument with the online ASD community I attend. As an older Aspie, I can say that ASD has completely ruined my life. I cannot count the many opportunities that I missed due to ASD.

That ASD community insists that ASD is a wonderful superpower, and if anyone has a problem is because society is not accepting it. They even disagreed with the acronym ASD since "autism is not a disorder", and insisted that ASD should not be treated since it's not an illness or a disability.

It's just me, or this point of view is becoming more and more common? Why so many people are starting to subscribe to that "social model" of ASD?

  • Because lots of high functioning (high iq) ASD people are being diagnosed. far more than ever before. And with better resionable adjustments in school and main streeming more are leaving school with qualifications than ever before. So they've realised it was never them that stoped them suceeding. it was the world. Before their were still high functioing autistic people. But they were shuveled into special schools where they had no suport to gain qualifications and most of them self labeled them selves as stupid.

    When you have a PhD etc but are compleatly socially disfunctional it's far easier to belive it is sociaty and not you that has the problem.

  • Because lots of high functioning (high iq) ASD people are being diagnosed. far more than ever before. And with better resionable adjustments in school and main streeming more are leaving school with qualifications than ever before. So they've realised it was never them that stoped them suceeding. it was the world. Before their were still high functioing autistic people. But they were shuveled into special schools where they had no suport to gain qualifications and most of them self labeled them selves as stupid.

    When you have a PhD etc but are compleatly socially disfunctional it's far easier to belive it is sociaty and not you that has the problem.

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