Science fiction

Something I’ve been thinking about for  while but was just reminded by Pixiefox: why do so many of we autists like science fiction?

It just seems to come up again and again and, perhaps unusually, it’s not just us blokes (sci fi is usually stereotyped as a male interest).

I’ve been an avid sci fi fan almost since I could read. I started with classics like Bradbury, Asimov, Heinlein and moved on to make a pretty good stab at reading the entire sci fi section of my local library and book store, all while avidly watching Doctor Who, Star Trek and Blake’s 7.

So why do autists connect so strongly with it?

Parents Reply
  • Ohh yes Xena, I loved her too although I was an adult when I watched it, I don't think I had any strong female role models when I was growing up, the nearest was Thelma in Scooby-Do, I'm from a generation where women stood around screeming and waiting to be rescued by a man

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