newly diagnosed with autism

Good Evening all,

my 26 year old son has recently been diagnosed as autistic,,he can''t cook,he can't clean,aswell as many other things he needs help with.he relies on me,or his grandma .the medical professionals have told him he can apply for P.I.P..  but  iv'e heard P.I.P isn't easy to claim for autism.
Can anyone give me some advice about P.I.P 

Thank You

  • you can do a example test for it online somewhere.... i think on the govs site.... forgot how i got to it, think i googled pip eligability and it likely went to a gov site or something and it had example questions and points for each one, it gives you a immediate answer as to whether you cant get pip... for me it was a no, to get most points you seemingly have to answer that you need assistance to go out or go to the toilet lol which yeah that isnt autism.... it seems more based around... i dunno, old age problems if anything.

  • Yes maybe it's harder for someone young like he is.but the specialist who diagnosed him said he can get pip so i just told him to try and if he doesn't get it then he doesn't get it,

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