High Functioning

Is What does this actally mean in practice, not the dictionary definition, but for those of us so labelled? Although no ones ever told me I'm high functioning, I guess I am.

Is it a helpful term or unhelpful?

Does it express our experiences properly or reflect away from them?

Is this a term more helpful to NT's than us?

Personally I find the term a bit insulting as well as divisive and dismissive.

  • Does anyone think saying something like “high masking” instead of ‘high functioning’ could be helpful?

    I thought since masking could probably have some part with people thinking you are arent struggling as much as you are (which some of you mentioned). But I think there are also people with like intellectual disabilities who would be considered “low functioning” regardless if they masked. So maybe something like “Im a high masking autistic with no intellectual disabilities”? It probably isnt much more helpful but maybe it can give someone a better idea

    Or some people say “has high support needs/ low support needs”

    Others I know will just say the persons specific support needs but I feel like that could be inconvenient in a quick comment.

    I personally just say autistic and dont ussually mention “functionality” unless its needed for the specific thing im talking about.

    There probably isnt a prrfect termnology

  • when trouble brews in the social sphere, I say "I'm on the spectrum, so please ___. " after that everyone becomes very nice or terrified, or curious, or does something clueless. It's all very amusing. Here is a good example from one of my favorite ND peeps, Rick Glassman


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