High Functioning

Is What does this actally mean in practice, not the dictionary definition, but for those of us so labelled? Although no ones ever told me I'm high functioning, I guess I am.

Is it a helpful term or unhelpful?

Does it express our experiences properly or reflect away from them?

Is this a term more helpful to NT's than us?

Personally I find the term a bit insulting as well as divisive and dismissive.

  • In practice labeling myself as high functioning generally means difrent things to difrent people.

    • most people hear high functioning and think 'he doesn't need someone to change his nappy'
    • a few think 'supper genious' but this is very much the minority
    • Autistic people and people who work with autistic people hear 'high functioning' and know it means i have average / above average inteligence but other wise might struggel with a lot of non inteligence related autistic issues.

    For medical proffesionals their understanding of 'high functioning' can be anywhere between those 2 perspectives.

  • I agree it’s not simple atall I’ve heard of people who can compose intelligent posts on forums and have an excellent  grasp of the English language yet have no self care skills and cam’t live independently. 

  • I lived on my own in a 11th floor flat for 12 years after my wife dead. I lived in a tip and self neglected. My daughter eventually persuaded me  to move near her. I get very good support from her and my granddaughters. High range IQ tests are a doddle compared  to daily living tasks  most people take in their stride.

  • Iain, I've had years of therapy and to be honest I dont' think my issue with maths and tech would be sorted that easily, things that go back into childhood like that tend to take a long time. I'd have to find a therapist that knew what the hell I was talking about in the first place which wouldn't be easy, especially round here.

  • Iain, I've had years of therapy and to be honest I dont' think my issue with maths and tech would be sorted that easily, things that go back into childhood like that tend to take a long time. I'd have to find a therapist that knew what the hell I was talking about in the first place which wouldn't be easy, especially round here.

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