High Functioning

Is What does this actally mean in practice, not the dictionary definition, but for those of us so labelled? Although no ones ever told me I'm high functioning, I guess I am.

Is it a helpful term or unhelpful?

Does it express our experiences properly or reflect away from them?

Is this a term more helpful to NT's than us?

Personally I find the term a bit insulting as well as divisive and dismissive.

  • In practice labeling myself as high functioning generally means difrent things to difrent people.

    • most people hear high functioning and think 'he doesn't need someone to change his nappy'
    • a few think 'supper genious' but this is very much the minority
    • Autistic people and people who work with autistic people hear 'high functioning' and know it means i have average / above average inteligence but other wise might struggel with a lot of non inteligence related autistic issues.

    For medical proffesionals their understanding of 'high functioning' can be anywhere between those 2 perspectives.

  • I agree it’s not simple atall I’ve heard of people who can compose intelligent posts on forums and have an excellent  grasp of the English language yet have no self care skills and cam’t live independently. 

  • I'm reminded of archemedies. Who's family had to force him to take baths and who would doodle maths in the ashes from the fire. running out naked in the street when he had a good idea. Comander of the city's defence force but got his head choped off because a roman soldior thought he looked too scruffy to be important and he told said soldior to bog off because he hadn't finished his maths problem.

  • I'm reminded of archemedies. Who's family had to force him to take baths and who would doodle maths in the ashes from the fire. running out naked in the street when he had a good idea. Comander of the city's defence force but got his head choped off because a roman soldior thought he looked too scruffy to be important and he told said soldior to bog off because he hadn't finished his maths problem.

  • I would of thought that when in battle hygene would be one of the first things to go, I can't see an enemy agreeing to a break in hostilities so as we can all go and have a shower, although we might need one as I suspect that being in battle gives a whoie new meaning to brown trouser time lol.

    Some Celtic warriors were said to go naked into battle to show thier bravery and how little they care about being wounded or thought they were to good to get wounded.

    I'm fairly sure Archimedes was autistic, the more I learn about his life the more apparent it seems. I also think Pliny was too.

  • see this is what would happen if we had more autistic generals. Scruffy comanders with poor hygeen and occasional nudity ... but we do get to fry the enermy with deathrays.