Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

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  • What I’ve noticed and observed from my 30 years in supermarket retailing in both my native Ireland and here in the U.K. (23 years) is the moral bankruptcy from all of our political leaders on all sides of the political spectrum on both sides of the Irish Sea and beyond - given my Rural Irish Catholic background and as an older Irish gay man, our grandparents generation gave us a clear sense of right and wrong and a clear moral compass, none of which I see from any of our political leaders, where morality, integrity and decency has gone out the window - future generations long after we are all gone, starting with the actual babies of today, are going to have to endure a whole world of pain and great suffering as they grow up towards adulthood, where they will not even be afforded the relative freedoms that we had when we were growing up 

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