Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • Switzerland has the best idea. They dont really have a Prime Minister, they have a panel of people from a mixture of the political parties who decide things by consensus and all of them take turns to be Prime Minister. That way decisions are actually made with thought and consideration and for the good of the country rather than knee jerk reactions that they hope will win them votes and headlines or score points over the opposition like it is here. 

    In addition the Swiss have referundums over almost everything, giving the people the chance to decide what decisions are made for the country and therefore making the nation truly democratic. They even had a refurendum over whether to have a Covid lockdown. 

    There are many reasons Id like to live in Switzerland, it is ordered and logical and calm for one, but this is another one 

  • Swiss have referundums over almost everything, giving the people the chance to decide what decisions are made for the country and therefore making the nation truly democratic

    The Scottish independence referendum and the brexit referendum have put me off referenda for life.

    They are incredibly polarising and most people are utterly ignorant of the issues and fall prey misinformation.

  • We Irish have twice had referenda to leave the EU and these were totally ignored by the Irish government and by the EU, as it was a requirement of our constitution - then we had referenda on abortion and on gay Marraige, partly aimed at young Irish people abroad including here in the U.K. to “get the boat to vote” but this latter referendum on gay Marraige was deliberately deceptive (as an older Irish gay man, I would have voted “no” on this had I been given the chance) - but what really bugs me in this internet age (aside from what happened with Trump) is that we Irish abroad (the Irish Diaspora) are still not allowed to vote in Irish elections and referenda despite holding Irish passports once we are longer than 5 years living outside Ireland and in fact, even before Brexit, the process for renewing an Irish passport from outside Ireland has been deliberately and needlessly made more difficult which I have experienced in my 22 years living in the U.K. despite visiting extended family and friends in Ireland frequently 

  • It’s because even after 1922, we Irish were not allowed to defend our own borders via our Navy, Army & airforce and we are still dependent on the U.K. to defend us, yet Irish troops and police were sent by the UN to Congo, Lebanon & Bosnia, even though we are supposed to be neutral - our membership of the EU and the UN is argued by some to be an indirect, if not direct violation of our 1937 constitution as written by Eamon De Valera, our first Taoiseach (Prime Minister) - our defence forces have always been purposely kept low, making us no match in military terms from any invasion by any hostile powers - we still have US and NATO aircraft landing in Shannon which is a technical violation of our neutrality - if we are to continue to maintain our neutrality we must implement the Austrian & Swiss models in full, both of whom are neutral 

  • Our political leaders are traitors to our own people, doubly tragic given our tragic Irish history and it has become very clear since Covid that our country has been infiltrated and corrupted since the Easter Rising of 1916, through 1919 and the Treaty of 1921 right up to the present day 

  • I thought we English were bad with the potato famines etc, but even we didn't actually take your own country out from under your feet and fly/bus/boat in a set of new people to replace you!.

    I've seen some of the videos about what is happening in those formely nice little irish villages and coastal towns right now.

  • I thought we English were bad with the potato famines etc, but even we didn't actually take your own country out from under your feet and fly/bus/boat in a set of new people to replace you!.

    I've seen some of the videos about what is happening in those formely nice little irish villages and coastal towns right now.

  • It’s because even after 1922, we Irish were not allowed to defend our own borders via our Navy, Army & airforce and we are still dependent on the U.K. to defend us, yet Irish troops and police were sent by the UN to Congo, Lebanon & Bosnia, even though we are supposed to be neutral - our membership of the EU and the UN is argued by some to be an indirect, if not direct violation of our 1937 constitution as written by Eamon De Valera, our first Taoiseach (Prime Minister) - our defence forces have always been purposely kept low, making us no match in military terms from any invasion by any hostile powers - we still have US and NATO aircraft landing in Shannon which is a technical violation of our neutrality - if we are to continue to maintain our neutrality we must implement the Austrian & Swiss models in full, both of whom are neutral 

  • Our political leaders are traitors to our own people, doubly tragic given our tragic Irish history and it has become very clear since Covid that our country has been infiltrated and corrupted since the Easter Rising of 1916, through 1919 and the Treaty of 1921 right up to the present day