Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • I'm more of a 'political animal' than the average person, but way of being a 'political nerd'(for want of a better phrase). I'm a member of the Labour party. Self define as a 'pragmatic socialist' . Voted for Yvette Cooper in 2015. Don't like the pro Corbyn, anti Starmer pseudo-socialists. They're quite happy to sacrifice the disabled and/or vulnerable in a quixotic quest for an ultra l/w utopia. They'd like Labour to be an ideologically pure perpetual protest party rather than one that can win an election and change things. I'll never understand the mentality of those who condemn Labour for not being left wing enough, and then are quite happy to enable a decidedly more r/w Tory party.

    The current let's attack Labour and Starmer over Gaza bs really pees off. They don't give a flying f**k about those in Gaza, that's evidenced by sod all mention of Hamas and the Tories.

  • The far left are as dangerous as the far right.

    Pragmatism with vision is what we need, not a government of ideologues with a plan which will benefit only themselves and their ilk. 

    Sadly, that's where we are. 

  • The situation is far worse in my native Ireland compared to here in the U.K. where the corruption runs far deeper with both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and where Marxist Sinn Fein have turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, having betrayed the Irish people - in our country’s long and tragic history, it has involved much suffering and armed rebellion but it has also involved much corruption, including by some figures within the Catholic Church after 1916 and after 1921 - other minor parties have not been able to stem the tide of corruption and in many cases, have added to this corruption, which Irish politics has always been defined by - there are many TD’s in Dáil Éireann from the Taoiseach down whom I totally despise as traitors to the Irish people 

  • The situation is far worse in my native Ireland compared to here in the U.K. where the corruption runs far deeper with both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and where Marxist Sinn Fein have turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, having betrayed the Irish people - in our country’s long and tragic history, it has involved much suffering and armed rebellion but it has also involved much corruption, including by some figures within the Catholic Church after 1916 and after 1921 - other minor parties have not been able to stem the tide of corruption and in many cases, have added to this corruption, which Irish politics has always been defined by - there are many TD’s in Dáil Éireann from the Taoiseach down whom I totally despise as traitors to the Irish people 

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