Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • I also dislike party politics, for similar reasons.

    I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised to read this thread and find it not to be full of vitriol (as a comparison both to other discussions on politics and other discussions on this forum!)

    Autism friendly policies I would like to see would be to fix the health service and benefit system in a way which makes it better not worse. That would be the place to start. So much else as well but that will do for now!

    In general I agree with (I think it was Churchill who said) democracy is the worst political system apart from all the others! Our main problem with it has to be that most people do not think deeply about the issues but are swayed by ridiculous things like charisma (which is known to be a psychopathic trait) and tribalism. And we are almost by definition never a majority, so being ruled by the majority will not suit us, (unless a majority can be convinced to respect minorities) and we are all quite different so even autopia might be hard to agree to suit everyone...

  • "Pleasantly surprised by the lack of vitriol". 

    Well, we do have careful and effectvive moderation, PLUS on several occasions I've seen people simply STAND UP to the "crybullies" and calmly but relentlessly expose ratrher than accept the worngness that they try to push. 

    I thiink I can speak for the majority of Autists (on this point only perhaps) we've all take a LOT OF CRAPULENCE over the years, from people who both think we are somehow intrinsically "wrong" and appoint themselves as the person who will "set you straight" and we simnply don't need it here. 

    Initially when the crybabies started up here with their nonsense there was an exodus of some of the most gentle souls from the forum, which hit my "friends list" quite badly, but as a group (mebership adn moderation team we seem to have "self organised" about one and a half to two years ago, to "marginalise the,malicious", which I did expect having once worked at a firm which I now know to have been chock full of Autists, where the same thing happened, and such people were correctly marginalised.

    Until they got taken over and re-organised along more NT lines, of course. First thing they did was re-interview everyoen for tehir job, adn eliminate anyone who liked the "Autist friendly" way the company operated before...They went (within one year after takever) from being the pre-eminent company in it's field, IN THE WORLD, to some short of shell company that has no prescence or impact whatsoever... 

    There are also a few people here who genuinely seem to be capable of learning and adjusting their attitudes towards other members. I've seen a few peoeple turn up here expressing the most crappy of attitudes, and morph into productive and useful members.

    It's good.   

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