Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • It's interesting that tribalism has come up over and over again on this thread, and of course a distrust of it.

    Could this distrust of tribes be an autistic thing?

    Is it because we're usually the ones nobody wants in their tribe?

    Is it because we see the games tribes play?

    Are we a tribe and if we are what are the characteristics?

  • That's a very interesting question. Speaking personally, I feel like we can see through things a lot more easily than NT people and we can observe their need to part of a tribe and see the flaws in the logic of each tribe. For instance, how it seems like you have to sacrifice your intelligence and independence of thought to be part of one. I try to observe NT human behaviour in the same way anthrapologists observe different groups of species in the animal kingdom. I find it quite interesting. A bit like the naturalist who lived with the gorillias.

    I do think there is an element of no one wanting us in their tribe too. Growing up I always wanted to be part of a scene or a group but I never fitted in anywhere. Now I understand my autism I know why 

  • I do that too Billy, the anthropology thing. I've never been able to keep my big gob shut, it takes no courage to speak truth to power or anything like that, I just open my mouth and out it all pours. I've got into so much trouble for it over the years.

  • So have I! I can really relate to that. Ive never felt particularly afriad to challenge authority in the way many people seem to, especially at work. Probably part of the reason Ive never done very well in a job

    I've got into so much trouble for it over the years.
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