Elections and politics

Is anyone else interested? I'm not party political, because I find to much that is disagreeable about the various parties, for every plus point theres an equal minus one.

I realise this might be contravercial to some, is politics a taboo subject on here?

What autism friendly policies would you like to see parties take up?

  • I'm more of a 'political animal' than the average person, but way of being a 'political nerd'(for want of a better phrase). I'm a member of the Labour party. Self define as a 'pragmatic socialist' . Voted for Yvette Cooper in 2015. Don't like the pro Corbyn, anti Starmer pseudo-socialists. They're quite happy to sacrifice the disabled and/or vulnerable in a quixotic quest for an ultra l/w utopia. They'd like Labour to be an ideologically pure perpetual protest party rather than one that can win an election and change things. I'll never understand the mentality of those who condemn Labour for not being left wing enough, and then are quite happy to enable a decidedly more r/w Tory party.

    The current let's attack Labour and Starmer over Gaza bs really pees off. They don't give a flying f**k about those in Gaza, that's evidenced by sod all mention of Hamas and the Tories.

  • i think the corbyn crowd and his momentum are actually the extreme far left communists of the party.

    which then make all the standard left socialists all look bad and confuse the issue. yeah your better off without those types.

    starmers done a good job centering the party and making it suitable for everyone and got rid of the control of the extremist communists that would throw us all under a bus for their selfish ideology. 

    and yeah they dont care about anything, those people they virtue signal and use things and lie about them for their own purposes and gains.

  • We're typically centrist. Far right/left doesn't play well on the whole. 

  • Misguided people have called me "far right" or "alt right" but the correct description is ALWAYS right!

    OF course if you really object to the incredibly high levels of taxation that are required in this country to aid in it's destruction (however you see them doing it, I'm pretty sure we haven't had a non-destructive government for quite a while now..) you simply stop feeding the beast. 

    In my case I live a "wombling life" largely outside of the monetary system. I barter wherever possible, buy used and repair as needed, and generally stay out of "society"s way as much as possible.

    Should anything I do suddenly raise my income above my allowance, causing me to pay tax again, I think I'll start a management company with limited liabilty to handle the interface and make sure that the tax paid is the minimum possible, which a savvy operator can do with a limited company.

    Once you start to see government as abusive rather than helpful, you need to get out of it's clutches, just as in any other abusive relationship. Unless you aspire to become an abuser one day, yourself, or you suffer from "stockholm syndrome".

  • I agree that extreme is bad, but sadly not that centrism pleases everyone. It seems more that centrism displeases everyone, but somewhat less than the opposite extreme! It might be OK if we had a voting system which allowed people to settle for less bad. In today's overly polarised world anyone in the middle is to the wrong side of either side. We desperately need less polarisation, but social media algorithms encourage polarisation, on many things, not just politics.

  • yeah far anything is bad... if you go far your going extremist, extremism is bad.

    centrism pleases everyone and most people are close to center, if they are on right or left majority are still close to the center. going too far one side is extreme brainwashed. normality is having a mix of views that span both spectrums, thus making everyone who is sane more central.

  • yeah far anything is bad... if you go far your going extremist, extremism is bad.

    centrism pleases everyone and most people are close to center, if they are on right or left majority are still close to the center. going too far one side is extreme brainwashed. normality is having a mix of views that span both spectrums, thus making everyone who is sane more central.

  • I agree that extreme is bad, but sadly not that centrism pleases everyone. It seems more that centrism displeases everyone, but somewhat less than the opposite extreme! It might be OK if we had a voting system which allowed people to settle for less bad. In today's overly polarised world anyone in the middle is to the wrong side of either side. We desperately need less polarisation, but social media algorithms encourage polarisation, on many things, not just politics.