Undiagnosed adult

Hi all, my friend’s daughter is 24, her behaviour shows many signs of being on the autism spectrum. However she has never been diagnosed, and she is unwilling to get herself checked, this is causing a lot of upheaval for my friend as her behaviour is increasingly becoming difficult and she can’t get any help as her daughter is 24, has anyone else had this or similar?

  • Thank you for your help

  • Thank you for your kind words and helpful advice 

  • Yes and no.  I am a 46 year old Autistic person who has worked a long time with young adults with autism and learning needs, but having had my diagnosis only the last few months, I have been relearning a great deal more about the condition, specifically with reference to how it effects people who don't manage a learning need as well.

    Both my younger daughters are clearly on the spectrum, but the eldest is very reluctant to accept it, as from her 16 yo point of view the condition is very much associated with learning needs - the evidence for her is that all the "strange" kids at school are uncool.

    She's made this connection with learning needs and autism and sees the same thing.  My advice to her, as to your friends daughter is to provide her if possible with some reading materials to learn more about autism without learning needs.

    Tony Attwood's - The Complete Guide To Asperger's Syndrome is a good place to start.

    Possibly with a little more understanding that autism doesn't equate with low intelligence or any inferiority, she may be more accepting of the suggestion?