Smart phones and social media

I see that goverment are seriously thinking of banning smart phones and social media for under 16's.

Do you think its a good idea?

What are the positives and negatives of such a ban?

Would it work?

Would people binge on their 16th birthday?

How would verification work, what form should or would it take?

I feel mixed personally I think the stuff people can see from such a young age is shocking, or for someone of any age for that matter! But there are positives too, if you live somewhere rural and can be a few miles away from where your friends live or you have close family a way away from you, then social media must be great.

Personally I'm quite anti-social and curmudgeonly and dont' use it or a smart phone, I don't do groups etc, but if I feel mixed about it then I think young people must be really confused, and probably angry and frightened too.

I don't think the "rise" in mental health issues in young people are soley down to social media, when I worked as a young peoples counsellor it was at a shocking level then, the numbers of sucidal thoughts, self harm, eating disorders, bullyiing, abuse both in and out of the home, services were barely coping and that was long before austerity cuts took most services away. I think that issues with mental health are coming home to roost rather than increasing, I think they're just being recognised for the massive issue they are and have been for decades because they can no longer be ignored. I think banning social media is seen as a quick fix, another way for people to stick their heads in the sand in the hope that everything will get better.

  • I think giving under 16's fairly basic phones (without social media) is probably a better idea. Give them, I guess, a safer outlet to speak with their friends.

    I think the whole debate needs more exploration so we can fully understand the pros and cons. 

  • The debate has been made very one sided in favour of this technology as real experts in the field have had their research and findings suppressed for many years as to the dangers of even dumb phones and any time the truth has surfaced, it has been dismissed and derided as “conspiracy theory” by giving the masses unrestricted access to such technology there was a deliberate attempt made to get people addicted to it and this was used as the excuse to shift everything online - the negative effects of this on people’s physical and mental health has been totally dismissed and ignored and has been derided as “conspiracy theory” 

  • The debate has been made very one sided in favour of this technology as real experts in the field have had their research and findings suppressed for many years as to the dangers of even dumb phones and any time the truth has surfaced, it has been dismissed and derided as “conspiracy theory” by giving the masses unrestricted access to such technology there was a deliberate attempt made to get people addicted to it and this was used as the excuse to shift everything online - the negative effects of this on people’s physical and mental health has been totally dismissed and ignored and has been derided as “conspiracy theory” 

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