The question about autistic criminal statistics and "Criminal Autistic Psyhcopahty" coined term found in Google Scholar

Most studies point out that most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder are more likely to be victims rather than perpetrators. Why did some scientists create the term "Criminal autistic Psychopathy"? It kind of sounds ableist, to be honest.

Those outdated articles are found in Google Scholar and they seem legit. I hope you understand where I come from.

It could be that we are more likely to be very easily brainwashed or manipulated into committing crimes without mans rea and malicious intent. But it does not happen all the time and criminal or antisocial behavior related to Autism Spectrum Disorder is not malicious and is completely different than Antisocial Personality Disorder for example.

Research, sources, and references:

Higher Autistic Traits Among Criminals, But No Link to Psychopathy: Findings from a High-Security Prison in Portugal - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Frontiers | Autism Spectrum Disorders in forensic psychiatric investigations–patterns of comorbidity and criminality

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Empathy: Autism and Psychopathy

  • Quantitative statistics are based on numbers, and while they can be misleading to the untrained eye, they rarely lack ethics, particularly in academic setups.

    I studied at Uni Criminal Psychology. at various stages we were tasked to make reports and statistics and analyse the results. Students come up with anything that can be somewhat unique, and dealing from Developmental Psychology of a child and up to how environmental and genetics lead a child to become a Criminal, including Psychopathy as a factor, such research you mention doesn't look strange to me.

    You can use google scholar and you will find anything, literally ANYTHING as an essay or statistic report. From Psychotic elderly, statistics on sugar triggering murder, statistics for any race and any country on the world having Criminal Insane population and Video Games breeding Serial Killers.

    All you found is just academic and professional statistics and essays. Its what they do for Uni or work. How they get their degree or make money.

    So all that coin terms. Thats all there is. Elderly Psychopathy or Video Game Psychopathy etc

    There is nothing to be offended here.

  • Just to make a little more clear how statistics can be misleading, below is a graph from a well known statistic, looking at how temperature is related to crimes.

    Looking at the graph, one may understand :

    1. when temperatures are high, people become aggressive.


    2. When people get angry, the temperature goes up.

    While the latter is funny, it is no more or less what this chart tells us.

    The truth is, the crime was up when the temperature was high as people went out and drink, whereas cold weather kept people in. Most over the average crimes were recorded in places with people drinking.

    What I am trying to say is, a term or the summarise on top of a report arguing one thing has been observed and some correlation has been found, is not enough. One has to read the method, results, participants etc etc of how a statistic report or essay was done.

    Again, statistics can be found about anything. But taking one subject and bringing up 10 or 100 of those statistics is also meaningless to draw any assumptions if you cant read the whole report.

    We cant argue in a qualitative way, as we do here, for reports or essays done in a quantitative way. It does not make sense.

  • BTW, correlation is not causation:

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