Don’t Put Words In People’s Mouths

Twice now I have had this happen on here and I don’t know if it’s neurotypical, allistic or Autistic people on here doing it but it really bugs the cr*p out of me when people say I am saying something that I’m not saying and I left the last time this happened because I deal with that cr*p all the time from neurotypicals (sorry for generalizing) and I would expect my fellow Autistics to know that if something isn’t said that our minds don’t work with manipulation, hidden agendas or are implying things or however it is that neurotypical people (again sorry for generalizing here) do as that’s their way of thinking but it’s not how my mind has ever worked and I get freaking tired of neurotypical thinking being imposed on me whenever I say anything because a lot of neurotypical thinking is to be manipulative or have some hidden agenda or implying things and to take it as it’s wrong in some way, so when people start putting words in my mouth it really irks me as I’ve been abused several times by neurotypicals because of them putting words in my mouth and not realizing that I’m not neurotypical so my mind doesn’t work with manipulation or hidden agendas or implying anything but a lot of neurotypicals', at least in my experience, minds do and so they accuse me of things that I am not doing at all like being manipulative or having hidden agendas or being some *sshole or being insensitive, taking jokes the wrong way, so on and so forth.

In other words, if I am not saying it, then don’t put something there that isn’t there by put words in my mouth. Don’t need or want that unnecessary drama or stress because someone decided to put words in my mouth. 

Parents Reply Children
  • Have you EVER considered how other people's minds work instead of thinking of your own all the time ???

    Mate, that's the main symptom of ASD. Look up the "Sally-Anne Test" for ASD children. I would have surely failed it in my childhood. 

  • Have you EVER considered how other people's minds work instead of thinking of your own all the time ???

    When it comes to neurotypicals, no, because I don’t want to consider their minds as a good majority of them are about over complicating things, being manipulative, having double standards, being discriminatory, pretty much just causing a lot of the world’s problems. I don’t need or want that stress trying to even consider that.

    When it comes to fellow Autistics, more than it may appear to you because I do have concerns about the harm masking does to us and that a lot of us take things that are said literally.

    I did assume when I first joined this community that I wouldn’t have to deal with people assuming bad things about me or putting words in my mouth that I am not saying because I figured that I wouldn’t be the only Autistic person who finds that utterly annoying because we don’t think like a majority of neurotypical people do and we take things said literally. Not gonna apologize for assuming that I wouldn’t have to deal with that and having positive hope talking amongst other Autistics.