Wanting to cook but anxiety holding me back

Hi, I'm new here, and hoping that this is something some of you might understand.

I'm 28 and have autism. I struggle in such a big way with seemingly normal every day things. Because of my physical health problems I'm unable to work but I want to become more independent so like doing my own banking, my parents do this for me at the moment. And I want to start learning to cook so I can look after myself as and when I need to when my parents aren't around anymore.

But there's a problem. My anxiety. It's absolutely monstrous and it affects me in so many ways, physically and mentally. I want to learn to cook but I'm so anxious about doing it for so many reasons.

I'm worried about,

  • Giving myself and others food poisoning.
  • Burning myself.
  • Being a terrible cook. 
  • Food disagreeing with me and making me ill.

I know I shouldn't let my anxiety win and rule my life but I can't help it. It's got this bad that it always wins and I've had therapy and everything but nothing has helped me. 

I'm open to any suggestions and advice. Please help. I desperately want to be able to cook and enjoy the stuff I make. I've bought so many pots and pans, and cooking tools, but I haven't been able to use any of them yet.

  • I'm not super bothered about the 2nd and 3rd ones, but for the other two I mostly focus on things that are relatively safe even if you don't do a perfect job. Like most vegetables are okay to eat raw, so as long as you wash them thoroughly they're not going to make you ill even if they're undercooked. It's a lot harder to give anyone food poisoning if meat isn't involved. (not that meat is super dangerous, but you have to be extra sure it's cooked through and avoid using the same things for raw meat and anything else)

  • I'm not super bothered about the 2nd and 3rd ones, but for the other two I mostly focus on things that are relatively safe even if you don't do a perfect job. Like most vegetables are okay to eat raw, so as long as you wash them thoroughly they're not going to make you ill even if they're undercooked. It's a lot harder to give anyone food poisoning if meat isn't involved. (not that meat is super dangerous, but you have to be extra sure it's cooked through and avoid using the same things for raw meat and anything else)

  • I didn't know that r.e. the washing vegetables but I'll make sure it's something I don't forget about. Getting food poisoning is one of my biggest fears, I have emetophobia and that exasperates the fear. I'd read that about meat and you have to be careful, so to be honest I expect I will likely never cook meat just to be on the safe side.