Weird Prone

I once fell down a rabbit hole whilst thinking about Lewis Carrol! I was out with my dog, walking the dunes and suddenly the ground disapeared beneath me and I sank up to my knee down a rabbit hole.

Does anyone else have weird accidents?

  • Thats the thing Debbie I dont' have normal accidents, I tend to have really odd ones.

  • We had glass patio doors put in when I was about 7 or 8 and to me it was so difficult telling when they were open and closed... Yep you know where this is going lol... And I mistakingly ran in to them when they were closed, several times on separate occasions.

    My mum and dad always said it was obvious if they were open or closed but apparently it wasn't to me. 

    And another time I made myself a cup of tea, and completely in a day dream proceeded to pour the boiling hot water over my other hand rather than in the cup. 

    The pain was excruciating and even now I have no idea how I did it as I literally watched myself do it lol.

  • I've just remembered one.

    I was 18 and sharing a flat.

    I had a bedroom at the top of the flat and ran down the staircase one morning and another flat mate hopped out of the bedroom as a kangaroo (as you do) and smashed into me and I went head first down the staircase to the kitchen and my nightie went over my head.

    Enough said.

    Lots are coming back to me now and they are all embarrassing and quite a few involve me exposing parts of my body  Astonished

  • It took me ages to work this title out as I went for the meaning of lying flat, rather than being liable to.

    So, I was trying to figure out why you would be weirder lying flat than upright.

    Back to the subject - I have a vast amount of experience of accidents, but I'd be hard put to think of ones that were particularly weird.

    I liked your one Rabbit2