Undiagnosed autism

Did anyone else here miss out on a diagnosis? Is there anyone from the 60s 70s or 80s who never got diagnosed and had autism back in the old days when no one knew anything about it? I find this really interesting. I missed diagnosis in school in the 2000s. It’s much better recognised now a days.

  • they give it too readily these days, to people who may never actually be autistic and never actually have the experience. while people who had the experience and the suffering before diagnosis became common wouldnt have got diagnosed. and have gone through the suffering and not be diagnosed, while kids get diagnosis without the suffering then may end up turning out neurotypical without suffering or traits and yet be diagnosed as autistic.

    just the way society is. a failing beaurocracy.

  • As diagnosis is in the hands of clinicians, I don't see where the bureaucrats fit in.

  • its all it is bro... labeling things... listing things... stamping you as a thing, signing you off as a thing, paperwork. they do all this for money, they dont care of the technicality of your experiences and whether the person is actually experiencing the traits or is too young to even have experienced them, they just stamp you off as whatever the thing they are in charge of doing without thinking or caring. its all paperwork bureaucracy of the wage culture and not actual legit care.

  • its all it is bro... labeling things... listing things... stamping you as a thing, signing you off as a thing, paperwork. they do all this for money, they dont care of the technicality of your experiences and whether the person is actually experiencing the traits or is too young to even have experienced them, they just stamp you off as whatever the thing they are in charge of doing without thinking or caring. its all paperwork bureaucracy of the wage culture and not actual legit care.

  • Young fella might have a point, there.

    Look at yrou own field of work, and see how many collegues are really intersted and good at their job, V how many are doing the minimum to get by, and back to their "real life"....