Dyspraxia - are you clumsy? + vision problems

I've been chatting to an online friend about this and we were wondering if we have dyspraxia.

I know there is a link with autism.

When I was in the junior school a school report said: 'although not physically well co-ordinated Debra enjoys PE (physical education, sports)'.

Actually I loathed it and was hopeless and always picked last.

Very poor eyesight didn't help though so sometimes it's difficult to 'see the wood for the trees'.

My whole life I've fallen over, broken and dropped things and walked into anything really that's walkintoable.

Here's a link:


What about you?

  • Oh- I was also the last too, Debbie!  One time they would not even pick me - last as i was.  They preferred to play a player down. I also loathed Phys-ed! I was often in the nurses with "tummy ache" that miraculously went away when it ended. The nurse was hip to my ruse but she was also a safe harbor. Gym was a maze with teeth!

  • Oh- I was also the last too, Debbie!  One time they would not even pick me - last as i was.  They preferred to play a player down. I also loathed Phys-ed! I was often in the nurses with "tummy ache" that miraculously went away when it ended. The nurse was hip to my ruse but she was also a safe harbor. Gym was a maze with teeth!

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