Moving house

Hi everyone Wave tone2

My wife and I are currently selling our house and looking to buy somewhere else. It's a decision we made together and have discussed loads, and it's definitely something I want to do, but it's making me feel so anxious. 

I'm particularly struggling with the uncertainty of not knowing what our next home will be, and it feels scary to have to sell ours before being able to offer on somewhere else. 

It's really affecting my day-to-day, I just feel unsettled and weird all the time to the extent that I called in sick to work. 

Any advice on how to shake this feeling or make this process easier?

Thank you 

  • Emily Heart
  • We recently moved house and I too felt really weird, anxious and upset for a long time, before, during and after moving. What worked at the end for me was just getting used to the new place over time, it took atleast one month I think. And maybe listing good aspects of the new place helped too, cause I was specifically upset about the many many design flaws of our new house.

  • We recently moved house and I too felt really weird, anxious and upset for a long time, before, during and after moving. What worked at the end for me was just getting used to the new place over time, it took atleast one month I think. And maybe listing good aspects of the new place helped too, cause I was specifically upset about the many many design flaws of our new house.

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