Facial Recognition.....

Brief synopsis. I seen some guy walk across the street yesterday. He was prpbably late 30's with a couple of kids......anyway. Last time I seen this person was probably when he was about 18 months old when i was around 8 or 9. I would bet a large sum it was the same person but couldn't verify. I get this alot and usually it is a person or random person I havnt seen for decades and totally unrecognisable in a sense because people change but their core features dont.

Anyone else have anything similar?

  • The last time I renewed my Irish passport here in the U.K. in 2018, I had very strict rules about my passport photos that had to be a certain way and I had to submit biometric data, submitted in the correct format - the application was rejected twice from Dublin because certain things were not done correctly and I lost 2 application fees, as they had become super strict about the rules, even for a renewal, even though I’ve lived 22 years in the U.K. - since Covid, it has been very interesting to me to see everywhere having facial recognition software being added to CCTV cameras - at Dublin Port, when I arrived off the ferry from Holyhead, you have to stand in a certain spot for 2 seconds in a certain way when entering a certain part of the Irish Ferries Terminal so that the Gardai (Irish Police) can register and capture your image when going through Passport Control at the Port for comparison with your passport photo and it’s the same when leaving Ireland on the ferry as well 

  • I'm great with faces and can tie them to a specific time and place but names are another matter entirely.

  • Its weird isnt it. If i know the name of the person, that'll pop in there as well but not always immediately.....sometimes it can pop in my head a week or so later but i usually get there

  • Hmmmm i've heard of them. Maybe I could make some money from it?

  • Yes, I have accurately recognised people I have not seen since primary school, I'm 62 and still do it from time to time. Names are a different matter.

  • I think you could use this ability of yours, for police sketches, or something of the sort. It sounds like an incredible ability. Catch the crooks with it!  

  • Maybe you're a super recogniser? Some people seem to have this ability to recognise faces in a crowd or recall them weeks, months or years later. They're highly sought after by law enforcement for catching terrorists and the like.