Are you not Autistic?

Are you not Autistic.if you are able to do one thing very well most people with autism struggle with. Even though you have many other Autism traits or simply just feel different to others? 

  • No not necessarily. There is huge diversity in the autistic community. In addition depending on environment you are in, your energy levels, ability to mask etc you may be able to cope better or worse with certain situations and tasks. I’m autistic but I love talking on phone ( which I have heard is difficult for many autistic people). I also have no problem with public speaking- in fact I really like giving presentations and on the other hand find writing really awful and hard. I can go into a brightly light supermarket and be fine (though shopping malls etc can be draining). As a child I did have very imaginative elaborate play involving going into worlds from books and I spoke fluently very early on. Does that make me not autistic? No

    I have plenty of other autistic traits. In fact the person assessing me said it was so obvious I am autistic. Autism manifests differently in individuals and sometimes even those traits you think are not typical could be related to being autistic (eg for me talking on phone is great as i can do it from my own space, no need to physically meet people and I don’t look at and can’t read body language anyways so it just removes that distraction and evens the playing field as i can just focus on voice so it is much less exhausting )

  • Thank you for the link. Very interesting reading in your thread :) 

  • It would depend on this "you". There are copious tests online if one cannot get assessed. Debbie's provided a link in this discussion to one. A simple search will deliver a bounty of them.

  • There is huge diversity in our autistic experiences and community, there is no one way to be autistic! 

    Also being autistic is not synonymous with struggling, it is a neurological difference meaning we experience the world vastly differently to non autistic people. You can be a happy autistic person!

    This means that even if you don’t relate to every aspect of being autistic, you can still be autistic!

    If you would like some more information to help you whilst you are questioning your neurotype, you may find this link helpful below.

    After all, you are the expert on your own experiences and I hope have helped you whilst you are discovering your neurotype!