Are to many normal behaviours being pathologised?

I notice here on these boards and in other places too that so many behaviours seem to be being pathologised, to  the point where I wonder if there's any meaning to it anymore? It seems to me that its lazy thinking to class something as a pathology when its actually perfectly normal. I mean do I have patholgical fire avoidance because I dont' want to get burnt?

  • Well people do manifest behaviours over-time and in response to distress, and awkwardly so, where they have had to develop an atypical cognition in a typical world.

    People who pose seemingly-normal behaviours, and are autistic, have a root of spared-cognition overshadowing those behaviours. Where a typical person may find a quick remedy to those issues, by declaring and communicating those issues, an atypical-person may find that they cannot communicate the issue to themselves rightly, let alone to the community.

    It is lazy thinking to assume that an atypical person dealing with a simple issue, just because it seems simple to you, just because it is a normal problem to you. In fact an atypical person may be beguiled and warped for decades, because they are gas-lit into thinking that a problem is simple or they are lazy, they may develop stress and mood disorders as a result of being gas-lit into thinking they are lazy and not impaired.

    In autism their are very few sufferers who do not report compensating/camouflaging/masking their struggle, so that they may appease those who cannot empathise with spared-cognition, insisting that ‘everyone is on the spectrum’ or other such lines..

  • Back in the day when I was a counsellor, I had many clients who would tell me their issues and how abnormal their feeling about them were, there was so much self punnishment and guilt, one of the first questions I would ask was, what would you say to someone else who told you all the things you've told me?' They would inevitably be far kinder to the imagined other person than they were being to themselves, so I would ask why they didn't deserve the same kindness and understanding? I think many people ND'd and NT's alike have some sort of guilt beaten into them for being human and feeling saddness, anger, depression and generally not knowing how to cope, I think we're losing the sense that these feelings are normal and part of a common experience of being human. I think this leads to a load of alientation amd people feeling like there must be something very wrong with them and this leaves them vulnerable to being pathologised. Society likes to pain a picture of everybody living happy, fufilled lives, with the perfect job, partner, home and children, families that are always loving, helpful and there for eachother. This is rarely the case but people seem to have lost sight that this is a fantasy, it maybe aspirational, but it's still a fantasy.

    I sometimes feel that we, everyone NT's NDs all of us, need to reclaim our emotions and our emotional validity from the fantasy pedlers and fixers.

  • Back in the day when I was a counsellor, I had many clients who would tell me their issues and how abnormal their feeling about them were, there was so much self punnishment and guilt, one of the first questions I would ask was, what would you say to someone else who told you all the things you've told me?' They would inevitably be far kinder to the imagined other person than they were being to themselves, so I would ask why they didn't deserve the same kindness and understanding? I think many people ND'd and NT's alike have some sort of guilt beaten into them for being human and feeling saddness, anger, depression and generally not knowing how to cope, I think we're losing the sense that these feelings are normal and part of a common experience of being human. I think this leads to a load of alientation amd people feeling like there must be something very wrong with them and this leaves them vulnerable to being pathologised. Society likes to pain a picture of everybody living happy, fufilled lives, with the perfect job, partner, home and children, families that are always loving, helpful and there for eachother. This is rarely the case but people seem to have lost sight that this is a fantasy, it maybe aspirational, but it's still a fantasy.

    I sometimes feel that we, everyone NT's NDs all of us, need to reclaim our emotions and our emotional validity from the fantasy pedlers and fixers.

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