Blaming NTs

I’m really disappointed in a lot of recent posts which reek of prejudice and blame against “NTs”. it’s as if “NT” has suddenly become a safe word to slur other people with.

”NT’s” are the majority of humanity. They are a hugely diverse bunch. The vast majority of them are just ordinary people having a difficult enough time managing their own lives.

They are not to blame for our individual situations. They didn’t make your life the way it is.

Some of the stuff I’ve seen on here this weekend would’ve been reported to death if it had been directed at other groups.

Please, stop. You have to be better than this.

  • While I understand this and get it, the thing is that people can and do generalize all the time. It doesn't matter if it's someone who is Autistic or someone who is neurotypical. Both groups do it. It's better to do a nice reminder or ask people to clarify if they are meaning all. It's very difficult to word things for some of us on here and while I'm perfectly willing to say that not all neurotypicals do it, it's a lot to type out at times as well especially when you're trying to get everything out that you want to say. It's like me as an American, I don't take to heart when a British person says "All Americans are crazy.", especially if the person knows me, I know it doesn't apply to me and so I don't take offense to it. I may playfully retort and say "Hey now!" in a bantering manner but I don't take any offense to it. That's the point I'm trying to make is generalization is just a normal thing that people do, Autistic or not, and while it can be frustrating, we all know that it doesn't apply to everyone.

  • I'm not keen on apportioning blame generally. 

    I'm more inclined to take responsibility which I find far more helpful to me with regard to self insight and change and useful in my relations with others.

    Thank you for raising this.

  • I would be happy to see the word 'neurotypical' banned, as it is often thrown around as a term of abuse, casting the majority as some homogeneous blob devoid of any individuality or redeeming features. We all need to make the effort to understand and accommodate each other, as everyone has their own challenges.

    I understand that but the word neurotypical actually means not neurodivergent whereas allistic or non autistic people are correct alternatives instead. When members of our community use incorrect language (I understand it’s a learning process) it has huge implications. For example an allistic person can be neurodivergent in other ways for example Tourette’s, learning disability, dyslexic, dyspraxic, bipolar, OCD and many other examples.

  • A great and brave post, with which I completely agree. It seems somewhat hypocritical for people to be demanding that those who are not autistic make more effort to understand them but they do not reciprocate and instead demonise those who are not part of their group. I would be happy to see the word 'neurotypical' banned, as it is often thrown around as a term of abuse, casting the majority as some homogeneous blob devoid of any individuality or redeeming features. We all need to make the effort to understand and accommodate each other, as everyone has their own challenges.

  • Here' here! No black hats here!