Blaming NTs

I’m really disappointed in a lot of recent posts which reek of prejudice and blame against “NTs”. it’s as if “NT” has suddenly become a safe word to slur other people with.

”NT’s” are the majority of humanity. They are a hugely diverse bunch. The vast majority of them are just ordinary people having a difficult enough time managing their own lives.

They are not to blame for our individual situations. They didn’t make your life the way it is.

Some of the stuff I’ve seen on here this weekend would’ve been reported to death if it had been directed at other groups.

Please, stop. You have to be better than this.

  • IS, I got my funny bone!

  • BUt, But, but...

    Your avatar....


  • 'tend to value social hierarchy' and yet they lie and say they care about neurodiversity.

  • But they have created the sensory hell that we must live in. Also they insist that we are kept alive by not allowing us voluntary euthanasia but won't give us benefits, then try to gaslight us and say they are champions of neurodiversity. I just do not trust them at all. I find them exhausting and confusing, and their constant lying and inability to see that details has created the ridiculous society we have to live in. Also I wouldn't feel too bad for them. They get all the best jobs and most of the money, basically just by being fake and liars. I also hate their obsession with eye contact and talking loudly.  

  • Banging my head off a brick wall here.

  • No, I just don’t live in an echo chamber and blame random strangers for my life.

    That’s not the same as stating the fact that non autistic people expect us to conform to neuro normative expectations which is actively harmful.

    Sorry if that’s blunt but I’m very fed up with some of what’s posted on this forum. It is not helpful.

    I understand that but our autistic community should be a safe space to discuss how non autistic people frequently misunderstand us not to mention ostracise or invalidate us.

  • Yes, NT people are also the ones that we love. Great point, having conflicts and hate will not resolve any issues. 

  • No, I just don’t live in an echo chamber and blame random strangers for my life.

    Sorry if that’s blunt but I’m very fed up with some of what’s posted on this forum. It is not helpful.

  • I found it helpful to study how neurotypical brains develop and what drives their behaviour. For example, small talk isn't a way of conveying facts about topics like the weather or hobbies, in the hope of a more detailed discussion about that topic. It's to check if another person fits into their social identity group, and much of the communication will be non verbal (them reading facial expressions and body language

    Another difference is that non autistic people tend to value social hierarchy hence the need for small talk whereas it’s common for us autistics to dismiss hierarchy and instead view everyone as equal.

  • There is a theory called "the double empathy problem" - because NTs and Autistic people experience the world differently, both groups lack an understanding of the other group.

    Great point!

  • I disagree entirely! You are probably still versed in the pathology paradigm.

  • Thank you for bringing this up on the forum for discussion.

    This is a safe place where people can vent their frustrations without risk of being made to feel they are in the wrong. However, we do need to remember that NTs also have relationship problems, disagree about stuff, and may be manipulated - it's not just autistic people who get frustrated with others.

    I found it helpful to study how neurotypical brains develop and what drives their behaviour. For example, small talk isn't a way of conveying facts about topics like the weather or hobbies, in the hope of a more detailed discussion about that topic. It's to check if another person fits into their social identity group, and much of the communication will be non verbal (them reading facial expressions and body language) A common complaint from autistic people is that they aren't listened to if they come up with new ideas - which is because NT brains develop a "belief web" of the world, and new information that doesn't fit that web is often filtered out. They aren't deliberately trying to frustrate you, it's just how they are.

    There is a theory called "the double empathy problem" - because NTs and Autistic people experience the world differently, both groups lack an understanding of the other group.

    I try to be kind to and make allowances for everyone. If I state I'm autistic and they say "everyone's probably a bit autistic" I don't take offence, as I understand they are trying to make me feel included and accepted. If they say "you don't look autistic", I kindly explain masking and mimicking, and mention famous people on the spectrum such as Chris Packham and Dan Ackroyd. 

    To celebrate Aiutism Acceptance Week, I sent an email to all my colleagues with a list of the attributes of NT s and the attributes of Autistic people, to raise awareness of how a diverse range of people working together can create a wide skill set. We are all valuable individuals.

  • It's US who have the problem!

    That’s not true at all!

  • I agree.

    I will admit that I suggested that we form an autistic army to seize control and enslave the normies (and only had ONE TAKER) three years ago but I've adjusted my thinking since then.

    It's US who have the problem!

    OH wait, I've just watched John Carpenters "They Live" during film night, maybe it's them after all...

    I don't like this thinking about things business, it's HARD, where's my book of preconceptions gone? 

    (tongue in cheek, humourous post, no normies were harned during it's production..)

  • I would be happy to see the word 'neurotypical' banned, as it is often thrown around as a term of abuse

    I agree with everything you say apart from this. 'Autistic' is also often thrown around as a term of abuse but we're not calling for that to be banned, as, like, 'neurotypical', it's a technical term. Or a factual term,.

  • Yeah it's a generalization when I say that but that's not prejudice it's just stating a fact that I don't think like a neurotypical person does. It's not meant to be a prejudice at all. If it comes across as such best to point it out and offer better ways of saying things and correct the miscommunication than to just feel someone is prejudiced against neurotypicals. But that's me. We all think differently which is fine but still better to ask for clarification if I'm honest.

    Completely agree!

  • Btw, my best friend who I have an emotional attachment to is neurotypical and I know he tries his best to be understanding, even though there are times, he gets it and there's times he doesn't. I mean just today I finally got him to understand that whatever he thinks I'm thinking, that's neurotypical thinking and I don't think like neurotypicals so don't assume that something I do is something like he said about me having a "hidden agenda" one time, that I think like that because I don't, that maybe a neurotypical way of thinking but it's not my thinking. Yeah it's a generalization when I say that but that's not prejudice it's just stating a fact that I don't think like a neurotypical person does. It's not meant to be a prejudice at all. If it comes across as such best to point it out and offer better ways of saying things and correct the miscommunication than to just feel someone is prejudiced against neurotypicals. But that's me. We all think differently which is fine but still better to ask for clarification if I'm honest.