I Don't Think Neurotypicals Understand What We Autistics Mean By Accommodate to Us Who Are Autistic

I think people who are neurotypical don't honestly get what we Autistics are asking when it comes to us asking to be accommodated to and I feel it has to do with the brainwashing they to over complicate and over think things.

Like I don't think us who are Autistic are asking a lot of people, yeah there are things beyond our control, like the other day I went to a reenactment and they had some loud noises with guns and cannons going off which was a sensory overload for me.

I mean for me to have a function relationship with me is simple:

  1. Don't say things you don't mean. I get there is things that happen, for example, you want to go to the store but your car isn't working so you can't, that's one thing.
  2. Don't be a hypocrite and have double standards and get upset with me for doing the same thing you were doing. Like for example, my friend is upset that I talked to people and showed them a private conversation between us and yet they went and brought their friends into things long before me. Told me not to tell anyone but it's okay for him to, but I'm the problem...
  3. Don't assume things about me and make me like I am neurotypicals. I'm not neurotypical so my way of thinking isn't the way of thinking like other neurotypicals. Like for example, I've been accused of having a "hidden agenda" or like I'm some vindictive person trying to hurt people when that's not the case, I am either very upset because I don't feel heard or I'm telling my side of the story and showing the evidence to back me up so people know I'm not lying.
  4. Have your actions meet your words. Like if people say they understand, show me you understand.
  5. Don't put words in my mouth that I don't say. If I'm not saying it, then I don't mean that.
  6. Compromise with me so we both can get what we want, don't make it where it is one trying to force the other to do just what they want.

How is stuff like this hard for neurotypicals to conform to just so I can function? What about anyone else? What is it that you need accommodated that neurotypicals don't seem to understand?

  • Neurotypicals not knowing isn't my issue. I'd have more of an issue if, after having explained as thoroughly as I possibly can (without being accusatory or abrasive), there's been no progress.

    It's on me to explain it well, and that has never been my strength. I'm better at it now I know I have the option to send an email or something.

  • Yeah I get that maybe I come across accusatory or abrasive, more just frustrated cause I've put up with this my whole life and it's like, how much clearer can I be to people sometimes, you know?

  • I think self-reflection can help sometimes. Being straightforward is not a bad thing, but I know I could have been more compassionate at times; it's not good if the other person is being made to feel like they can't do anything right.

  • I think self-reflection can help sometimes. Being straightforward is not a bad thing, but I know I could have been more compassionate at times; it's not good if the other person is being made to feel like they can't do anything right.

  • That's how I feel all the time, whether it's just myself thinking it or someone making something I can't help be the problem. It's like a constant compounding that I'm the problem, even me being nice like I am gets made a problem and it's just too much at times.