"Life's Not Fair" - Does This Bother Anyone Else?

I have always despised the phrase "Life's not fair." because to me that's a choice that neurotypical people decided should be the case and force it on the rest of the population. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

  • hmm, but depends how they say it. its not that they are the ones saying it is unfair and that is the correct way, it can be said in a way in which they feel they are hard done by and are saying life isnt fair because they feel hard done by and feel its unfair on them. so depends the context of how they say it.

    as to whether its fair or unfair.... its debatable... perhaps it is unfair... or perhaps theres no such thing as fair or unfair in the first place if what we get and what happens are a consequence of our own decisions or our own being. maybe a form of karma even which in the end ensures everything is kinda fair anyway. 

    alot of unfair seeming things come from a persons individual choices they made. they look upon others with jealousy and greed and think they got given that stuff for free, when they didnt, they made a better choice, managed things better, didnt throw away or waste things. everyone can reach the same goal and standards. i mean, if i can go from never working and owning nothing and being broke and poor and thinking of being homeless and then in the space of 1 year in my 30s i got a job, got a owned flat, then 1 year after u paid my mortgage off and am projected to easily be able to retire by my 50s...  and all on minimum wage.... i think theres no such thing as fair or unfair, there is your own choices and your own management decisions. although perhaps maybe it was unfair that i did nothing all the way to my 30s because of my mental state that for all i know has held me back from being able to be a millionaire and retiring even earlier lol but yeah perhaps i wouldnt have achieved this without that stagnation and being stuck in doing nothing but thinking on life. id likely have got into rental poverty and never been able to save if i wasnt stuck at first.... alot of people who worked right off the go and moved out likely i have passed them now and they think thats unfair....but they fail to see the hopelessness of all my years of doing nothing and the actual accidental wisdom of holding back and not acting too fast so you can see how things work before you leap into something like a rental trap that leaves you forever poor. but yeah maybe the idea of fair and unfair is just a general lashing out of people and upset at their own lives and judging their lives to others, perhaps they shouldnt judge their lives to others and instead focus on their lives and then it will get better for them. perhaps too though karma is a thing and any suffering and set backs we have is due to something bad we did either in this life or a previous one and we should accept that suffering for we likely deserve it and by accepting it then the grasp of karmic justice can pass and allow us better things once we accepted it and saw it through.

  • Usually when I've heard it it's been when every I'm being treated badly for something and I say it isn't right and the response is "Well, life's not fair.". My experience anyway it's been used as a means of being dismissive.

  • ah so its not used for them to complain about their circumstances but rather for them to justify your circumstances.

    yeah id see that as not only dismissive but also of hostile to them, like they are looking down on you and dont care about you. that would likely make me treat them in a similar fashion and want them to suffer misfortune so i can then gloat and brush aside their complaints when they whine about it. you may get your chance to treat them the same way if you remember and if you catch them whining about something, ensure to jump in and put them down and brush aside their complaints next time you hear them complain about anything in life. 

  • ah so its not used for them to complain about their circumstances but rather for them to justify your circumstances.

    yeah id see that as not only dismissive but also of hostile to them, like they are looking down on you and dont care about you. that would likely make me treat them in a similar fashion and want them to suffer misfortune so i can then gloat and brush aside their complaints when they whine about it. you may get your chance to treat them the same way if you remember and if you catch them whining about something, ensure to jump in and put them down and brush aside their complaints next time you hear them complain about anything in life. 

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