Nobody listens to me

I’m female 20 years old. People are constantly twisting my words. I live with my grandma, I’ve been burnt out my whole life, people expect so much effort from me but I’ve given all I can give. I’m so tired, there’s just nothing left inside me, I’m just a shallow husk of a human being. They all say “nobody knows you better than you know yourself” but then argue with me every time I try to tell them what’s happening with me. Grandma will constantly say, “you were so bubbly and happy for the last three days what changed???” And I explained that she’s been too hard on me lately and expects too much out of me and she just clapped back with “oh for Pete sake you just want everything your way and you never care about anyone else” and then I’m always accused of being “angry” and “irate” when I’m really just mentally and emotionally exhausted and am desperate to be heard. Other neurodivergent people get me. But these people I’m with don’t. I have nowhere else to go, I have no life, I’m completely miserable, and they just keep saying I need to try harder and I am “capable of more than what I give myself credit for” It’s completely hopeless nobody is ever gonna hear me… she insists on a professional diagnosis before she will listen but then then says “you probably have autism” but then she won’t read anything I give her online, things I actually resonate with. She doesn’t wanna hear it and her response is “those psychologists don’t know you!” But then why do I relate to everything being talked about??? I’m at a loss, she’ll say “you just wanna lay around and do nothing while everyone else does everything for you!” And I’m like no.. I’m just autistic and I CANT do those things I’m too TIRED!! And she’s like “well if you’re that bad then you need to go somewhere to be treated” NO I DONT!! I JUST NEED TO BE LISTENED TO! Someone please help me… 

  • People can be really dismissive and it hurts. I understand having family who don't want to listen and hear you out. I'm glad you found this community because at least here we all understand what it's like. Talk here and your will be heard and understood.

    When people won't hear you out and just judge you I'd ignore them if I was you. That's what I do with people like that in my life cause otherwise it's a waste of my time and energy trying to explain it.

    After days of work and interactions at school I'm exhausted and just need to lay in bed and chill but then I'm called lazy and told I should be doing more and acting more like my sister. And then I'm like she's not autistic and then they're like that's just an excuse...
    Even though I've explained about autism and shown them books and videos and pages online they just don't accept it and think I'm just being difficult.

    If people took the time to understand it would make a huge difference but trouble is no one ever takes the time to even try and see it from my side.

    They don't have the luxury of wearing my shoes so they can't begin to imagine what it's like.

    I hope you're ok and feel supported here. What your feeling is completely justified, don't listen to anybody who tells you otherwise.

  • When people won't hear you out and just judge you I'd ignore them if I was you. That's what I do with people like that in my life cause otherwise it's a waste of my time and energy trying to explain it.

    This usually doesn’t go well for me sadly, it just makes NTs more angry that I am ignoring them when they aren’t listening.

    People can be really dismissive and it hurts. I understand having family who don't want to listen and hear you out. I'm glad you found this community because at least here we all understand what it's like. Talk here and your will be heard and understood.

    Yep. Here you can be heard and listened to.

  • When people won't hear you out and just judge you I'd ignore them if I was you. That's what I do with people like that in my life cause otherwise it's a waste of my time and energy trying to explain it.

    This usually doesn’t go well for me sadly, it just makes NTs more angry that I am ignoring them when they aren’t listening.

    People can be really dismissive and it hurts. I understand having family who don't want to listen and hear you out. I'm glad you found this community because at least here we all understand what it's like. Talk here and your will be heard and understood.

    Yep. Here you can be heard and listened to.

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