
I’ve been sitting in my dentist’s waiting room for almost 40 minutes waiting on an appointment that was scheduled for over half an hour ago.

The receptionist won’t give me an update. They know I’m autistic.

This is just another example of clueless behaviour we have to put up with and it’s stressing me out.

  • Hi sorry you having a tough time - hope you have a sensory something to help you through this.  The last issue I had with dentist had me sleeping for 3 days SMH

  • I'm sorry you had that experience. Being in the dentist in the first place is massively stressful and upsetting but not being kept informed is always triggering.

    Last time I went to the dentist I had a similar experience, it took a few days to get over it.

    Hopefully it all went well and you have since been able to put this behind you. 

  • Honestly, going to the dentist's is a sensory nightmare: the lighting, the noises, the scratching of the tools, and the invasiveness of the procedures.

    Not to mention I had a pretty traumatic experience when I was younger. They had to give me a Novocain shot, and it hurt so bad I had what I can now identify as a meltdown. 

  • I hate waiting too, especially at the dentist because I don’t like it! Last time I went the receptionist actually intervened because the dentist was calling people in the wrong order for some reason! She actually asked the man who was called to sit back down because there were 3 or 4 other people before him!

  • Thanks. Home now. Even an update from the receptionist would have made a big difference. I always get anxious if any kind of appointment is late, even then there isn’t a dentist involved.

  • Ugh I hate stuff like that. I really feel for you right now. I hope you've been seen now and are ok after enduring such a stressful situation.