Diagnosis and resentment

I have recently be diagnosed with Autism at 30, whilst part of me is happy about this. I also hold a bit of resentment towards my parents for not doing this when I was younger. 

When I have spoken to them about it, they both say that they thought that I was when I a child but they didn't do anything. 

All I can think of is how my life may have been so much different. 

How do I process my recent diagnosis as well as my resentment towards my parents. 

  • I understated how you feel. I am shocked that people want to bring children into this sick world. It is very selfish. 

  • I would say that also but my mum worked with autistic young people. 

    Whilst one on hand I would agree with you. But there is a little part of me that thinks all the times I can home from school crying and having emotional and mental health breakdowns, that there would have been something that they would have done. 

    I just feel let down and in wonder of what my life would have been life if this was all done earlier. 

  • well im 34 and my parents suspected something but in those days and ages autism wasnt known about at all.... not one bit.... you know what they all knew or thought back then? .... nothing but "learning difficulties" is what they thought of when they saw any autism symptom... so your parents may not have known and may have just thought it was learning difficulties.... to which is often ignored and often a usual gone around excuse among working class families like mine.

    although mine tested me for learning difficulties and surprise surprise i had no learning difficulties and actually had higher than average intelligence lol so that then stopped them pursing or thinking i have anything wrong because if its not learning difficulties its nothing as back then nothing existed but learning difficulties as nothing else was known by normal parents/people.... so on that i find it easy to forgive as its simply the wrong time and a time of no information. and a time before internet and computers too, that generation of my parents still dont use computers or internet and think the world is better off without it lol

  • Well I can only say what I did. My mum never bothered to get me diagnosed when I was a child because she couldn’t be bothered so I stopped talking to her a few years ago and probably won’t speak to her ever again. Better off without people like that in my opinion.