Stim gallery

Hey everyone 

I went to Nottingham castle recently and was amazed to find that they had a stim gallery there, what a treat. There was this bendy wire that you could do hand movements with and make patterns and then hang it up on display. There was those cylinders that you spin with illustrations in that created an animated picture, various artworks and short films about how autistic people see their environment and what makes them produce some amazing art. I’ve never seen such a big area dedicated to neurodivergence. It was a nice little bonus to our day out.

Anyone else found anything like this anywhere at all? 

  • That sounds amazing! What a great thing to do and awesome for you to get to see. I haven't heard of anything like this before, definitely nothing like that where I am I don't think. I'm glad you got to see it and enjoyed yourself. Sounds awesome Hugging

  • That sounds amazing! What a great thing to do and awesome for you to get to see. I haven't heard of anything like this before, definitely nothing like that where I am I don't think. I'm glad you got to see it and enjoyed yourself. Sounds awesome Hugging

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