
I hate sport, all sport, I don't like competition or see whats so good about it, why it has to dominate so much air time, rugby is practically a religion in Wales with football not far behind. I dont' like wearing uniforms, I'm not a uniform person. I intensely dislike getting hot and sweaty too. I swim like a brick and the best bit of skiing I ever managed was backwards.

Can someone please explain to me whats so good about sport and competition?

  • I have never enjoyed participating in sport or watching it, I just don’t see how others enjoy it, a lot of it most probably goes back to school and not being very good at any of it. The competitiveness by others was often quite violent, my coordination is quite poor, being in teams is another hell. Sport just doesn’t ignite my brain.

  • I like to swim and running and watching football and my favorite  team are kansas  city  chiefs

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